Heart-warming triumph of good over evil
22 January 2005
This is an entirely puppet-based film from the Jim Henson Studios. A tale of good versus evil, the underdog triumphing over adversity. Heart-warming and un-mawkishly sentimental, this is a story of an evil tyranny (the Skeksis) who gain essential life-essence by stealing the souls of their victims for their own distorted vanity. They have blighted the world for eons in their quest for eternal youth but there is a portentous planetary alignment that prophesises their doom. Our hero is a mild-mannered, unassuming orphan-child who assumes the mantle of his manifest destiny. Only he can save the world. The characters are clearly defined and Muppet-style simplistic but this film has a darker feel and ambiance than most Jim Henson creations, and therefore appeals more to the jaded but secretly sentimental. This film will bring tears to the eyes of serial killers.
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