One of the funniest Comics ever.
21 January 2005
I first watched this on HBO back in the early 80. It took me about seven tries before I could make it through the film. The first time I laughed so hard I blacked out and fell over. Scared those whom I was watching this with. And each time after that my sides would be so sore from laughing it would take a couple of days for the soreness to go away. Bill Cosby is one of the few Comic out there that hasn't resorted to Filth and Foul to make people laugh. His skits of his family were later used in the The Cosby show and were just as funny seeing them acted out as to listening to him tell about it in this film. His insight of families are "Right On". I recommend this film for families. I wouldn't be scared of having little children watch it. Or maybe I would. They might pass out like I did.
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