Review of Nailed

Nailed (2001)
Not too bad
13 January 2005
Brad didn't want to join the family clothing business. He ended up struggling as a movie writer in California. So desperate he had to sell his blood, he found an angel named Kelly at the blood bank.

After numerous failed relationships which included sex (and one pregnancy which ended in an abortion), Brad fell for Kelly, and Kelly too found herself pregnant. Brad's father Tony insisted Kelly have an abortion ... or else! I won't say what happens after that. I will just say Brad and Kelly agonize over the decision they have to make, and they go through the ups and downs of a typical relationship. Things are not always good, just like in real life. And maybe things aren't as bad for Brad and his family as it appears at first.

I am pro-choice on the abortion issue, but a movie like this makes me think about what that really means. I don't like to see the act taking place without some serious health threat or at least rape, or maybe a seriously deformed fetus. None of these applied to Kelly's situation. It was disturbing to see Tony take such a casual attitude toward this act--especially since he crossed himself later in the movie. Apaarently he was Catholic. He must have married a Jewish woman, since the family was shown celebrating Easter and Passover. I would say Tony wasn't that good a Catholic.

Rahcel Blanchard would be my main reason for watching this, since I liked her so much in the TV series 'Clueless'. Kelly was so sweet despite her hard life, and while she did lose her temper from time to time, she handled herself well. Harvey Keitel did well as Tony also.

I've seen better movies, but this wasn't too bad.
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