Review of Rage

Rage (1995)
Gary Daniels = Prince Among Thieves
7 January 2005
'He can run, and he can hide, but he cant escape.... what they put inside him!' After seeing a trailer with THAT line in it I could hardly contain my excitement. My only regret about watching Rage is that now I am constantly plagued by the thought that I will never see that movie for the first time again, yes it is that good!

The tag line says 'Somewhere between sanity and madness there is Rage' and only a true genius could have made this film. As Elliot Carver says, 'the difference between genius and insanity is measured only by success,'and if this is true then Joseph Merhi is the worlds greatest genius. After hitting old school with Shotgun in the late 80s and having a few misfires in the 90s, Coldfire and To Be The Best spring to mind, PM Entertainment really had found themselves by 1995, as in this year they made To The Limit AND in the incomparable Rage.

Alex Gainer, a mild mannered kindergarten teacher with a great singing voice, is kidnapped by masked lunatics and injected with a drug... Rage. This turns him into a mindless killer. Sweet. However he still has a heart, after the police are onto him all he wants is to help his family! Everyone could do with taking a page out of Gainer's book thats for sure. But this movie isn't all philosophy and love, oh no, this movie contains some of the best action, only rivalled by Executive Target. After then scene at the top of the sky scraper I needed to have surgical nail implants as I had bitten all of mine off, it was so tense. There is a great car and truck chase as well towards the beginning, but the final shoot out in the mall was the mad note. The stunts were exceptional and the choreography was breath taking.

Well PM Entertainment proved they were still the best with this film, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did

Good day friend
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