Hell Riders (1984)
Batman & Ginger Meet The Cycle Misfits!
31 December 2004
This has to be the worst, and I mean worst biker movie ever made! And that's saying a lot because the line of stinkers is long and smelly!

Now at least we know what happened to Ginger after she was rescued from Gilligan's Island! A frightened looking Tina Louise(she was probably afraid someone would see this mess!)is a stranded motorist who is tormented by the most repulsive motorcycle gang in film history. But, don't worry fans! Batman, I mean Adam West as a hick-town doctor comes to the rescue! Pow! Crush! Boom! Holy Toledo Batman!

The only good points of this "bomb" are some cute women, some laughable fight scenes, and the still "sexy" Tina Louise!
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