Perfectly Charming Tale of the Average Woman
14 December 2004
Year 2001, a heroine entered theaters whom women could identify with. A woman with insecurities over her looks and weight, over drinking and smoking her life away, and not being able to find and hold onto the right guy. And that right there played into all the insecurities every woman on the face of the planet faces everyday. Who is this woman? Why, Bridget Jones, a 32 year old British woman living in London! Normally, a character in Bridget's position would in a typical movie be the supporting player, the one off to the side with the sub plot and the witty one liners, becoming very two dimensional and stereotypical. Yet with this film, that stereotype is given prominence, and how wonderfully it succeeds! Depressed over the comment Mark Darcy made about her (He called her a spinster) at her parent's annual Christmas party, Bridget decides to finally take control of her life, to cut back on drinking and smoking, to lose weight, and to find a nice man to make her happy. To keep track of all this, she decides to keep a journal.

Renee Zellweger was perfectly charming in this film, creating Bridget Jones into a sweet, adorable, likable character that was very easy to relate to. People thought Renee wouldn't be able to convincingly pull off her British accent, but watching the film you sometimes forget that she is actually American. Renee was able to convey the stress of keeping her spirits up after discovering that her boss was cheating on her, and slowly discovering that her perfect man had been in front of her all along. Her Oscar nomination was absolutely deserved.

Colin Firth was amazing in his role of Mark Darcy. Though he really does not say much throughout the film, you could always tell what he is feeling just by looking at his eyes. They convey so many words that Firth could have been silent the whole film and you would be able to understand him perfectly. But it is wonderful that he does speak, for the speech he gives to Bridget about "Liking her just the way she is" was so sweetly put, it makes you long for someone to say those words to you.

Hugh Grant, who before this was type cast as the dorky-sweet romantic lead, breaks from this with his role as Daniel Cleaver. Hugh Grant is one of those actors who brings so much more to the role that you could ever expect, and with this character, Grant does not disappoint. Hr plays the wanker down to a T, is convincingly caddy, and the playboy everyone wants but knows will be in trouble if they have him. Not to mention, watching Cleaver and Darcy fight near the end of the film will have you rolling in the aisles!

Bridget Jones's Diary. Probably considered a total chick flick, but has a wonderful theme: Being yourself is all you'll ever need, and accepting yourself for who and what you are will lead you to happiness.

Highly recommended.

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