Lorna Doone (2000 TV Movie)
For the leading actress alone, it's worth the viewing .......
30 November 2004
I remember reading this novel at school in the UK and was curious to see what it would give on film ! The result was globally very positive. A careful look at the credits will show that it was actually made in one of the Welsh National Parks ... it did look far too mountainous to be Exmoor ! Although he film clocks in at about 2hrs and 22 mins, I didn't find it long at all, indeed another hour or so wouldn't have done any harm. There's never a dull moment ... between the beautiful countryside ..... the suspense of the plot ........the physical beauty of the actors, and especially Lorna Doone herself ..... the beautiful music score .... the whole thing is a very interestingly packaged product.

This is an English film, from the BBC. Why it can only be found in the USA God alone knows. Sold in Other European Countries, with appropriate subtitles, I'm sure it would have larger than reasonable success. People just don't know about it. The picture quality of the DVD is excellent. The DVD does not have subtitles but indicates something called 'closed captions' ( which I took to be subtitles but which obviously aren't ). What they are, I have no idea as they don't appear on my TV !!!!

I would therefore recommend this to all who like good old English novels of the THomas Hardy kind etc etc. Although the DVD cannot be found in Europe, I think it may exist on VHS and is definitely screened from time to time on UK television.
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