Review of Dear Pillow

Dear Pillow (2004)
Tricky subject handled very well
16 November 2004
I watched this film, along with a very appreciative audience, at the Edinburgh Film Festival, and loved it, not only because it dares to examine our relationship to pornography and our own sexuality, but because it does it so well, with subtlety, respect for its characters, and a refusal to use obvious plot devices and clichés. It's no mean trick to make a funny and touching film with such potentially 'dark' subject matter. This film was a pleasant surprise!

BTW, I disagree with whoever felt that the characters were way too 'impoverished,' implying that only marginalized, blue-collar losers used porn. The film didn't treat its characters as marginalized at all, but besides, what's so terribly impoverished about living in a fairly average apartment complex?
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