One of the Best Film Documentaries Around
10 November 2004
Another documentary from Leva FilmWorks, and one of the best film documentaries I've ever seen. I give it 9.5 out of 10.

Did you know that if it werren't for Francis Ford Coppola, there would probably be no Star Wars? Did you know that Apocalypse Now was originally intended for George Lucas to direct? Did you know that if it werren't for the financial failure of THX:1138, and the insistence of George Lucas, Coppola would not have made The Godfather?

This is not just a documentary about a film. It tells the story of how some of the greatest films of the 70's (and possibly all time) came to be. But it also tells the story of a revolution or re-birth of the film industry. It's not just about George Lucas and Francis Coppola (who are the main focus of this documentary). It's the story of where the people that went on to craft The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Black Stallion, American Graffiti, Conan the Barbarian, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Godfather, and Apocalypse Now all came from.

Plus you'll find out where the name American Zoetrope came from.

If you are a fan of films of the 70's (or filmaking in general), I highly recommend this documentary. It's 60 very well spent minutes.
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