Super Sucker (2002)
Super Sucker Really Sucks
7 November 2004
Fred Barlow (Jeff Daniels) and Winslow Schnaebelt (Harve Presnell) are vacuum cleaner salesmen competing against each other the exclusivity of an area of door to door sale. Fred uses an old device called 'homemaker little helper', which is also used by the house wives and gay community as a sex toy, to increase the sales of his team and win the competition. This movie can only be indicated to morons. It is awful, ridiculous, amazingly horrible, a crap, a piece of s***. Jeff Daniels is a good actor, has excellent movies in his filmography, such as 'Something Wild', 'Ragtime' and 'Pleasantville' among others, but this 'Super Sucker' really sucks. The worst is that it is written and directed by him. The movie is not funny and indeed it is a pure waste of time and money watching it. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): 'Super Sucker'
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