Boa vs. Python (2004 Video)
Not very good
31 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Businessman Broddick (Kendrick) and his girlfriend Eve (Boris) is setting up a big game hunt for rich people. The object of their hunt, a gigantic python. However, the python escapes and start killing people and wrecking havoc outside Philadelphia. Agent Sharpe (Woller) is in charge of the authorities hunt and recruit Monica (Bergman) and snake-specialist Emmet (Hewlett). His plan is to use Emmet's equally giant boa, equip it with Monica's sensor implants, and set it loose to search for the python, so he and his team can go in and capture both the boa and python. At the same time, Broddick and Eve assembles their own team of hunters. The two teams then start the hunt unbeknownst of each other. And the two giant snakes hunt everything that moves.

First, let me point out, the plot is silly. And unfortunately the computer graphics of the two giant snakes are at some points really bad. The cast, neither very famous nor completely unknown, is actually better than I expected, without really turning in an awesome performance. I guess it is hard in a movie like this. Then there are the other effects which also is better than expected. Also a positive surprise, is the effort put into extras and so, actually bringing the army to more than a jeep and four soldiers. So, it is not all bad, however all nice efforts by both cast and producers is in vain, because the plot is not at all good.

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