it is not a matter of taste...
21 October 2004
...but quality. This movie is short in every meaning. The story is not a story but the attempt to shock in times where even kids cannot be shocked by almost nothing anymore. What we see is a collection of different scenes some of them pretty good some awfully bad.

We follow three brothers (a politician, a sex maniac who feels inadequate and a sex changed) looking for happiness in their own tragedy of life and especially the tragedy in their interpersonal relationships. Reason for their being what they are is their dominating father who became - oh wonder - gay after he might have abused his sons in the past...

So far so good but beside the fact that the story is partly stolen, the writer and director did not decided if he wanted to make a comedy or a drama. What he definitely wanted to do is art, and that is by far not enough to make a good movie. Some critics called it a comic strip, some a satire and others called it a contemporary image of the German Republic. And there are the ones like me who just call it a big waste of time and money.

If you don't like Lynch, Fassbinder and Aldomovar just sent them a copy of the film so they can see how they have been imitated in a small minded way. I promise that they will suffer a lot.

At the end of the movie an ex porno-model and the still-sex-maniac agreed to drive from Germany into the Iraq (by car) and help the people over there... I am pretty sure that the movie meant exactly this, no ironic to be found in this scene.
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