Greg the Bunny (2002–2004)
Fox always cancels the good ones
23 October 2004
In my short thirty years of living, there is one entertainment rule that I live by: "Never trust reviewers." There are many movies, books, shows, albums that I have found the "experts" to be wrong about. Case in point: Fox cancelled "Family Guy." Another show that I enjoyed that hasn't made it's comeback (and it just may not) was "Key West" with Fisher Stevens and Meg Tilly. That show was funny and inventive (i.e., dead to the critics).

The previous reviewer must have had the sound off. Three of the saddest moments (family deaths aside) in my life were: Jim Henson dying; the three Ramones dying; and "Greg the Bunny" being cancelled. It took so long for the last tragedy to be somewhat corrected. I cannot express my feelings when I found out that the series was being released on DVD. There may be a higher power out there, somewhere. As to the show, the characters are unique and recognizable at the same time.

The aging "count" vampire, the sweet and dopey farmgirl, etc. I have to admit that it was Eugene Levy and Seth Green that drew me to the show. Sarah Silverman is hilarious as the tough producer. There are hilarious one-liners and punchlines. But, you can only appreciate it if you actually SEE it. If you have a sense of humor (except for the Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, George Carlin, Chris Rock varieties of "humor", at which I don't really laugh [maybe it's just not me-I don't like political or abusive humor]), you will LOVE "GtB." I promise that it's a classic.
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