Review of Lammbock

Lammbock (2001)
not your average stoner comedy ;-) (spoilers)
18 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is by far one of the best Independent-ish ones I have seen in a long time. Very fresh, original look at a genre where you would think that they've just about done it all.

So there are these two potheads who grow their own weed (...and lots of it - all in all a field of well over 250 square feet, well hidden somewhere in the woods). They operate a run-down, back-alley pizza delivery service which really just serves as a cover for selling their weed to customers. You order a "Gourmet" pizza and they will put some weed on it, wrapped in aluminum foil and carefully hidden under a big sausage slice. Business goes well until they're in for some bad luck... one of their newly-acquainted friends turns out to be an undercover cop, and one day while they're at the field, they get caught by a forester. From there on, it's all just hilarious mayhem.

What makes this movie so refreshing are the dialogues, for one thing, and the storytelling in itself. As can be seen in an interview on the DVD with one of the main actors, the idea with the dialogues in the film was to a great extent to improvise rather than clinging to some script word-by-word. Moritz Bleibtreu (Kai) and Lukas Gregorowicz (Stefan) are REALLY good at this in their two lead roles- they are hilarious together and make it look more like real-life buddy talk. And especially Kai talks a lot of nonsense while "under the influence" ;-)

The storytelling with its numerous sub-plots is very well done. Just a bunch of things that most "twentysomethings" can relate to in one way or another. Stefan is almost out of law school and is worried that all the dope will keep him from studying hard enough for his finals. And then his ex-girlfriend walks back into his life and he really wonders if he should leave his current girlfriend for her. Kai on the other hand has trouble dealing with Stefan's little sister who is coming on to him... and so on.

Rent or buy the movie, watch it, watch it over and over, and you will probably never get tired of it!!!

I don't know if this movie will ever be available on the Anglo-Saxon market, but if not, you'll definitely be missing out.

****1/2 out of *****
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