17 October 2004
As a girl from a German-Swiss background with absolutely no grasp of the German language, I just happen to ADORE this movie. I saw it on Deustchwella (I believe) a good couple of years ago, but decided to rent it from Blockbuster again. I am so glad I did -- this movie has a message and shows how people can become greedy in an ever-changing, up-to-date advertising world where being cutting edge is "in" and old fashioned is "out."

Viktor Vogel is a beautifully complex character that isn't two dimensional; he actually has substance which I find that North American films are lacking in spades. You can relate to him and his quest for the perfect career as a Creative Designer in Brainstorm, and you watch his transition from good guy to executive bad guy -- only which will he choose at the end?

Eddie is a great character representing old world traditions and a love for the cutting edge that was "cool" way back when. Longing for that spark to come back into advertising, he loathes Viktor's laid back approach as any elder employee who was a big shot would to a threatening younger employee.

However, this movie just plain ROCKS. I love the way that the director Kraume goes from tripod to hand-held is reminiscent of Tarantino and Cuaron's styles. Overall, a 5/5 stars, even with English subtitles. After all, where else am I to learn my German better than in movies?
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