Not great, but fun to see anime at the cinema
18 September 2004
I went into Yu Gi Oh: The Movie, knowing what to expect. I'm not a fan of the card game(In fact, the only card I own is the freebie that came with my ticket purchase), have never played the video games and sporadically watch it on Nickelodean whenever I'm bored and there's nothing else on that I wanna watch.

As far as the movie goes, it ties (as near as I can tell) into the series (Though the start seems to imply it was gonna be a retelling of the second season). The animation is good, and apart from a few boring "we're friends we'll do it together" annoyances, was fairly action packed. Now I'll readily admit, it's nowhere near being the greatest animated movie ever... Hell, there are many story elements and characters that go unexplained, or are explained with one or two sentences, but the thing is... This is not a movie designed to be a stand alone "masterpeice" like the Walt Disney epics of old... but nor is it the rubbish they pump out today. It's merely more of what fans of the game/TV series want, as THAT is who this movie is aimed at.

Don't like animation? This is not for you.

Don't like Yu-Gi-Oh? Obviously not for you either.

But for fans or semi fans like me, it's a fun hour and a half, though only die-hard fans of the series would wanna watch it more than once. Also as my comment above said, it's nice to see anime (Espically anime that ISN'T Poke'mon!) on the big screen, which, here in Australia, is all too rare.
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