Review of 20:30:40

20:30:40 (2004)
Girl Power!
14 March 2004
This movie is about the best 30 years of a woman's life.

20 - feeling alive and trying new things 30 - feeling jaded and hopes for stability 40 - the rebirth of a women

Sylvia Chang has once again proven herself as a powerful director! The 3 stories intertwine very well, while they don't affect each other, you are never really out of the story because you see the other leads at the background.

Li Sinje proves herself to be a great actress, holding her own aside the older and more established actresses. Her story las alot of sexual tension in it, but somehow in a way that most girls would understand. I admire Rene Liu for her powerful potrayal, it is a Rene that you haven seen before. Sylvia, one great looking 40-something, she just draws you deep into the story...

This is one of the light-hearted taiwanese movie that is rarely seen in taiwanese cinema. Everything about this movie is great. It is very different in style and mood from the last few movies that Sylvia Chang has done before.

One last thing to note. The concept of the movie actually started as an album. One day Rene Liu mentioned to Sylvia Chang, why don't the 3 of them do an album called 20:30:40, make it total girl power album. Sylvia loved the idea, so while making the album. She decided to make it into a movie as well. And boy am I glad she did!!! If not, we wouldn't have 3 award-winning actresses portraying such powerful acting in one of the greatest movie! Worth every cent of the ticket.
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