Street Fighter EX3 (2000 Video Game)
Just like a cross between Super SF2 and Marvel Vs Capcom Vs SNK...
8 July 2004
One of the big additions to this latest version of the Street Fighter EX trilogy is the Tag-team mode, as seen in Tekken Tournament and Capcom's VS games. In the standard Single-player mode, you pick one character, but then every time you beat somebody, you have the option of having them join your team. You then enter the next battle with two characters, and can swap them in and out in order to take a rest and recharge their energy. This also makes for some great depth in the form of tag combos, where both characters can cooperate and attack the opponent at the same time.

Aside from this big addition, there is also a version of the "Custom Combo" from SF Alpha, as well as all the traditional super moves and so on. The gameplay is a fairly standard 2D affair, with only a couple of moves using the extra dimension. All but one of the characters from SFEX2 return, and there is one new one, in the form of Ace, who is a design-your-own character type affair as seen in wrestling games- you are given a choice of moves to add, and this makes him a very versatile character (imagine Ryu's dragon punch and Chun-Li's lightning leg together)

Oh, and if you have a multitap, you can even play 4-players simultaneous, as either 2-on-2 or 3-on-1... All in all, a great addition to the PS2 library.
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