Come to Papa (2004)
It's a promising show and should be given a shot in the NBC schedule.
28 June 2004
This show is a breath of fresh air. It's not perfect, but after four episodes, neither was "Cheers", "Seinfeld" or even "Friends". It's apparent NBC isn't given this production a chance; there were few trailers or promotions before it's first appearance early this month. To be canceled after only a few shots would be incredibly short-sighted.

Given a chance, this show can develop. The actors are good, writers and production people outstanding and it's certainly a wonderful thing to see after being bombarded with all the "apprentice-last comic-survivor-gross us out with bikini-clad babes" junk we've been subjected to the past year.

Most people I've spoken with about the show (men/women 22-40) love it or see it as having a promising future. NBC -- please give it a chance!

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