The Village (2004)
An Intelligent film for a change
31 July 2004
When I hear of people getting "angry" and "mad" after watching this film I feel like sending them a copy of "Cannibal Holocaust" my treat. Never heard of that film- well...look it up, you won't find it at Blockbuster and your mommy may make you go to a therapist if she finds it.

Usually I can't stomach big Hollywood productions as of late. But I will say that going into this movie intentionally knowing nothing at all about what I was to see, I was really thrown for a loop. And then after the first "secret" was revealed, the director still managed to get me...and then again. That to me is fun. I like it when I am taken.

There was definately lots that could be read into with this film. I could relate it to my own life and how some of my biggest fears are simply created in my head.

As a child many of us believed in Santa. The whole world was behind that, not just my town. I really believed it. Even after I heard that Santa wasn't real, a tiny part of me still believed. But I have created fears in my adult life, and those fears have kept me from moving on and trying new things. I'll stop writing, it was

clever. If you want blood and guts rent some Italian horror movies from the 70s and 80s.
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