Review of Dinocroc

Dinocroc (2004)
A Valiant Try with good plot and a happy ending
24 April 2004
I'm a big Sci-Fi and horror fan. I just watched Dinocroc on the SciFi channel. It's about a young woman who works for animal control in a small town. She loves animals, can't even put them down when the sheriff ( also her dad) tells her to put down the dogs to make more room.

Her on again off again boyfriend Tommy then helps her and the idiotic gene- manipulation plant to battle a creature that is half-dinosaur and half-crocodile and twice as deadly.

The most interesting character by far is an Aussie herpatologist and hunter named Dick. He drinks, smokes, has no fear. Whenever he's on-screen, your attention goes right to him.

Throughout the film, Dick and Tommy seem to have a 'special' relationship, even though Tommy sleeps with the animal control lady once.

Overall, an interesting watch and not bad for a straight-to-video movie. It's more SciFi than horror but it gives you a few jumps and surprises.
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