I feel dumberer for having watched it.
21 February 2004
So my roommate borrowed "Dumb And Dumberer".

God only knows why.

Anyway, he puts it in the machine and shortly afterward leaves the room to take a phone call.

He owes that caller more than he knows.

See, as I hadn't paid any money for it, nor even gotten my butt up off the couch to load the disc, I had little investment in it. Thusly I figured it wouldn't take much to meet my relatively low expectations for it. After all, the first one was pretty funny, right?

Before I continue, it should be noted that this movie had none of the original cast members, writers, directors, etc from the first film.

No one, at least, worth noting.

Now, back to the story. Where the first movie had laughs galore (most of them cheap lowbrow humor, but hey, if I want Shakespeare, I'll read Shakespeare...) this movie had a sprinkling of "That's kinda funny..." and "Was that funny? I can't tell anymore..." moments.

The most telling thing I can say about this movie is that I DIDN'T FINISH IT. Nay, I COULDN'T finish it.

A friend of mine that had the misfortune of being in the room with me at the time said it best when he said: "At one point I laughed at how painfully unfunny it was and I realized that it (the movie) had pulled me down to it's level."

Of course he also said: "Another reason dumb and dumbrererererrer sucked is that both guys were trying to cop Betty White's "Rose" character from the Golden Girls but neither of them possesses her panache or supple buttocks."

Verily, it is a thing of evil.

Having said that, it's not the worst movie I've ever seen. I would have to give some thought to exactly which movie holds that dishonor. "Batman and Robin" is pretty close. But no, I've actually finished worse movies than this. Thing is, in those movies I held out hope that they would get better before the end. With Dumb and Dumberer, there was no such hope. In fact, there was utterly no hope at all.

I did get a chuckle from a couple moments though. Like when the two titular characters walk down the school hallway with their Special Ed class to the theme from the A-Team, and... well, that's it actually.

Oh yeah, Mimi Rogers made out with a little hottie named Rachel Nichols.

The most notable thing about Nichols, other than her being very attractive, is that she's in the new Bruce Campbell film "The Woods" which is currently in post production.

Apart from that "Dumb and Dumberer" can be summed up by the fact that I actually got up off my couch to remove this ultra-boring, ultra-unfunny piece of cinematic spam from the DVD player.

PS: I did put it back in to check the not-so 'Special Features', but I did not find the apology I was looking for.

Maybe it's an 'Easter Egg'.

I don't recommend checking yourselves, but if someone finds it, please let me know. I feel it's owed to me.
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