Just Cause (2001–2003)
Not a ripoff but clearly designed to capitalize on Erin Brockovich
22 September 2002
Beautiful young ex-con (unjustly imprisoned, of course) goes to work in the office of a stiff-necked lawyer, uncovering weekly cases involving injustice perpetrated on the helpless and downtrodden. As you can tell, this is an obvious attempt to coopt the energy of "Erin Brockovich; Elizabeth Lackey is nice-looking and an OK actress, but lacks the pivotal charm of Julia Roberts (but then, virtually everyone on earth lacks it). Richard Thomas is a problem, however--without the nostalgic naivete that shaped his character in "The Waltons," he comes off as a complete stiff. He might do well to stick to period pieces. I also hope the "moral crusade" tone that pervades this is eased in the future; it can get really insufferable in too heavy a dose.
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