The Lone Ranger (2003 TV Movie)
a modern view of an old story!
27 February 2003
I grew up with "The Lone Ranger"! First, on radio then the early days of TV. Loved it first for the music then the story! I also saw the movie made several years ago that seems to be the origins of this movie. That movie didn't go too far! This one I like and hate! Why?

Chad Michael Murray does a fine job in this role. This movie seems to be leading to a series which would be fine. Typical of WB, they seem to want to aim it at a young demographic and hence use an MTV approach to the background music [Rossini did a fine job with "The William Tell Overture] and that joggled me. Frankly the music pukes, in addition to being anachronistic and WB who runs a big music business probably shouldn't try promoting that in all its programming. The movie had good action, although the 'kung fu' seemed out of place. The actors were pretty good and convincing in their roles. The sites were beautiful to see; I really liked the locations. Introducing the Indian Maiden[Alope] as a love interest for Luke was refreshing; something that had not really been done with any of the previous 'lone rangers'. This 'pilot' has real potential and I hope that WB decides to continue the series. It would be refreshing but they've got to rethink the background music [nothing wrong with a traditional approach]! Love the movie; hate the soundtrack!
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