A movie to be savoured like milk chocolate
12 May 2004
As soon as i heard the line in laws of attraction " Good news, opposing counsel is insane." I knew I would enjoy this film. Both witty and cute, the cast has fun with this one, and it's contagious! In a word, the film is adorable, light hearted, and fun.

The fact that this movie can even be in the same spotlight as Adam's Rib is a good thing, as it leads us to stay in a circle of great films that should never be forgotten.

What I remembered most from Adam's Rib was the cute banter, chemistry, and incontrovertibly adorable and touching story. This movie has all those elements.

"When you love someone you should be unselfish enough to give them whatever they want."

Such a bittersweet reminder of how to get there from here, when all roads are closed, and the sun is behind the clouds... the movie has it's ups and downs, and the simple intricacy of the movie is swept up nicely by the genius of it's actors, without which the subtle would appear flat, the wit would be contrived and the dance, would simply fail to get off the ground.

The only thing that didn't seem to work for me was how much of a insecure and juvenile school girl mentality Moore had when it came to love relationships and matters of the heart. And yet, redeems itself thru the specialness of all the subtle parts of the film, bringing a sense of natural nurturing to the relationship of the lawyers.

A movie to be enjoyed and not over analyzed, but savoured like milk chocolate. I enjoyed Laws of Attraction and hope you do too.
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