19 March 2004
The title of this film is a fitting description of its entertainment value. The story is a kind of lame social statement about creeping Westernism in China as viewed from the slums. However, the story is so trite, so cliche, so thin, and something we've already been through with Japan in a slew of films, it can't overcome the perfectly awful production value, poor quality of execution, and time wasting filler. The litnay of deficits is too long for this forum. But, for those who may want to give "Unknown Pleasures" a try on DVD, be advised that the DVD I watched had no CC and the default setting for subtitles was *** (three asterisks) and "off". English language subtitles did appear, however, after switching to "on" even through the *** generally means no subtitles available. FYI. (C-)
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