Disappointed, not that funny
23 December 2002
I am a HUGE Jackass fan, I love all their stuff...even the barf omelette cooked and eaten. I find most Jackass stuff really funny, and cry I'm laughing so hard most of the time.. So.. when I received "Steve-O's- Don't Try This at Home" DVD for a Christmas gift I was excited. I thought I was in for more entertainment. I was mistaken. While a lot of the skits jackass does are stupid, they are still very funny. In Steve-O's video, sorry to say, it was just, well.. stupid. Sure, I cringed watching it and got a minimal amount of entertainment due to shock value alone, but other than that.. it was just kind of dull. On the DVD he mentions that this was footage that nobody wanted or it just never got used, and well, I can see why. When I see Steve-O on the regular jackass shows, I love his stuff. But on this tape, well.. I think I've said enough. Not that good, not that funny. 3/10 stars. I wish BAM MARGERA would come out with a DVD of just him messing with Phil, now that's humor!
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