Review of Malefique

Malefique (2002)
France - the new horror-country
23 June 2004
First of all - I hate french movies. I dunno why, but I simply can't stand them it seems. I didn't like "Brotherhood of wolves", I was bored by "Delicatessen", I slept through "Taxi". So one can say that watching "Malefique" was a big step for me - especially because it was praised high by people who liked all the mentioned movies.

But I have to admit, this time they where absolutely right. "Malefique" has a very gripping atmosphere and grabs the viewer from the first second. The characters are believable (but not likable), the setting is really claustrophobic and the story has enough twists and turns to keep even the most cynical horror fan guessing what's coming up next.

There's even enough splatter to keep the gore hounds awake and - absent from a surprise ending that's not exactly surprising - the movie is mostly original and doesn't copy anything you've ever seen before. Also very interesting is that - even if the whole movie plays in a prison - you won't get the usual clichés.

So with "Malefique" and "Haute Tension" (wich also is great but in a totally different way) it seems that french horror is again something to keep your eyes on.

Great Movie 8 out of 10
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