Barbershop (2002)
Great movie!
3 August 2003
I love this movie. It is a very enjoyable film with a ton of messages and an awesome cast. I applaud Ice Cube, Cedric and company for having the guts to speak their minds about otherwise taboo topics. This movie had the infamous Jesse Jackson/Rosa Parks controversy, but honestly I don't see why a lot of african americans got upset over what they said. Cedric's immortal lines as the old, yet wise barber are so insightful, daring, and in my opinion, truthful. I get so sick of hearing the same rantings from prominent leaders that say they are for the rights of blacks, when they are really putting them down, and making them feel like they need special hand outs in order to be equal. What these leaders should realize is that African Americans, like any other race in this country, are just as intelligent and capable of the same success as anyone else is. This movie really had the guts to show characters who are mostly upstanding, hard working, morally concerned people instead of the usual stereotypical hoodlums, drug dealers, etc. Instead of the usual bleak ramblings of certain topics like affirmative action, welfare and reperations for slavery that we hear in the news, it is more than refreshing to hear intelligent African American characters speak their minds about how they as a race do not need special treatment in order to succeed. It was very inspiring, and I feel that everyone should see this movie. I absolutely hate stereotypes, and this film really goes against all of them. I highly recommend it for it's laughs, it's charm and it's brutal honesty. 10/10 stars.
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