The Office (2001–2003)
5 January 2003
Forget lame US sitcoms, British comedy rules them all.

The Office breaths new life into the world of comedy. It's one of the best comedies to be shown on the small screen in a long time. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have both done a wonderful job creating this unbelievably witty and unbearably hilarious comedy.

Ricky plays David Brent, the hapless manager of Werham-Hogg, a small paper merchants company which is rapidly going down hill, nearing redundancies and even closure. David thinks he's a funny, tough and rather sexy man although most of his work colleagues thing he's an idiot. David struggles constantly by cracking lame jokes or acting the clown just try and win them over... but inevitably he fails each time. The Office is actually quite frightening because at times is looks and feels so realistic, is must have office's

cringing all over the UK!

Part of Davids "troops" include secretary Dawn Tinsley, Tim (who secretly fancies Dawn), Gareth (who thinks he's tough because he's been in the TA's) Chris Finch or "Finchy" (Brent's best mate, bit of a cocky git like Brent) Keith (who has about as much conversation as a Pot Noodle) Jennifer (Head-Office, very serious person) and Neil (also Head Office). Each character have their own differences and are a joy to watch wonderfully portrayed by a wonderful cast of actors and actresses, making The Office an absolute gem.

One of the best comedies in a long time. Go out and buy the DVD of series 1.

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