Great idea, horrid implementation
16 November 2003
I think this show could have worked. It might have even worked in its incarnation, with a couple of key changes. But it didn't. Why? Well, 5 reasons, really.

Reasons # 1, 2, 3 -- Paul Reubens. It seems Mr. Reubens does not know how to temper his "comedic" ability and allow others (namely, the CONTESTANTS) to share stage with him. He is loud, crude, and overly boisterous through the whole show, and completely ruins it.

Reason #4 -- Writing. The writers seemed bound and determined to turn this into a variety show rather than a game show, when they should have been trying to blend the quiz with the humour, as the video game so skillfully does. Want an example of a video game show that does this correctly? Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. It may have been a kiddy show, but it was a very popular one for this reason.

Reason #5 -- Jack Attack. As the key element of a YDKJ! round, it should have been left EXACTLY as it is in the game. Instead, we see even more of Paul Reubens and far too crude humour.

What saddens me is the game actually has potential as a TV show. Perhaps someday we'll forget this fiasco and go about doing the show right.
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