A great TV version of the PC game
27 July 2001
I'm a huge fan of the PC game, so I was really excited about seeing a TV version of it. It captures all the fun and humor of the PC game and wraps it up into a great show.

Lots of funny things happen on this show. They have a $2,000,000 question, but the dollar amount decreases as the question is being read. they always find some funny way of making it dwindle down to less than $1000. Once they had it fly loose over the stage with Troy (Paul Rubens) the host running after it. Once he couldn't read it so he pulls out a magnifying glass that causes the card to catch fire.

Also they have a match/pop culture question each show. The contestants have to answer questions like number of Backstreet boys X number of points of light in G. Bush Sr.'s presidental speech -number of Police academy movies / # of oscars won by Weekend at Burnies. While the contestants are trying to figure out the question they bring out something to distract them like a marching band playing music right behind them. Once they had violin playing kids who were just plain awful to listen to.

While some shows give away a cheesy parting gift (Rice-A-roni, home game, etc) YDKJ gives away truly lame prizes such as a Yo-Yo, a 4 pack of Pineapple tidbits, or a years supply of gum!

I won't forget the start of the first episode. Troy comes out and says someone will be driving home in a brand new car! They show the car and play the game. At the very end on the episode, Troy drive up to the camera in the car and says, "See. I told you someone would be driving this car home tonight."

I have watched every episode of this show so far and I don't plan on stopping! Keep up the great work.
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