Incredibly entertaining ending to the El Mariachi trilogy
18 September 2003
Robert Rodriguez is definitely a talented film producer...having cut his teeth with his guerilla filmmaking style of assuming the role of director, writer, editor and cameraman, Rodriguez has dished out hits like Desperado, El Mariachi and From Dusk Til Dawn that have been box office hits with his famous shoe string budgets. It is no wonder why this third installment to the El Mariachi series was inevitable.

I caught this one on opening night, but waited a while to post a review, just to let the film digest for about a week. I won't elaborate much on the plot, for many others have already done so. What I will say is that the only negative aspect of this film is a plot that is filled to the brim with confusing elements, plot twists, double crosses...so on and so forth, that at times you will be sitting there going...okay, NOW what the hell is going on? Sure, there is an elaborate web of plot twists in there that I'm sure do make sense when pieced together, but what is the result is almost a mess of scenes and characters thrown together. However, it is the scenes and characters that totally make up for the lack of glue to bond the plot together...this is definitely one of those films that does not take itself seriously and asks you to do the same, and if you can shut your brain off for about 2 hours, you will be taken for one helluva ride.

The characters are all larger than life and charmingly sadistic. The acting is top notch with Antonio Banderas reprising his role as El Mariachi, the always superb Johnny Depp as the corrupt CIA agent Sands, Ruben Blades as a rogue retired FBI agent out to seek vengenance, and of course, the oddly entertaining Mickey Rourke as the drug czar's right hand man. Of course, every good B-movie Hispanic actor makes an appearance, especially Danny Trejo (you know him as the evil Mexican in movies like From Dusk Til Dawn, Con Air, Heat...and pretty much every movie made in the last 10 years) and Cheech Marin from Cheech and Chong fame. The actors drive the picture, give it life, mow down scores and scores of inept bad guys(and I will emphasize the word INEPT...the 'bad guys' are some of the most ridiculously stupid villains I have seen in a long time...but, thankfully they serve their purpose of being cannon fodder very well) and provide much needed coolness and comic relief. You will be surprised at how Antonio Banderas almost play second fiddle to Johnny Depp's character, and the dozen or so other major supporting characters. But, it works beautifully.

The action scenes are in a word, spectacular. When we are shaking our heads and scratching our forehead wondering what the hell is happening with the plot, Robert Rodriguez and Co. throw out scene after scene of delicious show stealing action...pure adrenaline, violence with no mercy, and excellent direction/editing are what steal the show in this film. I forgave Mr. Rodriguez for the confusing plot when I left the theater because his film had entertained the hell out of me. Sure, for most movies, dare I say even most action flicks, a lack of plot or a really bad plot really makes for a bad film, but this movie is the exception of exceptions. It takes the oozing coolness from Desperado and ups the ante ten fold. There are some scenes that will bring shivers to your body as you watch Antonio 'De Sexy' Banderas and Company perform acrobatic gunfights that would make even John Woo proud. Rodriguez's style is definitely unique, and has been mimicked often...however, you can tell he made this one for the fans because as I said, the stakes are raised on every level with his marvelous directing and talent for filming breath taking action.

This is a movie that you will love or hate, I can guarantee you...it is one with a lackluster plot, but an incredibly high entertainment value. If you can overlook the complete stupidity of an entire Mexican Army and dozens upon dozens of inept mafia soldiers, then you are in for an excellent time at the movies. If you think about it, though Desperado's plot was very simple and direct, and was one of the coolest movies ever, the movie itself really was not great, overall...we watch movies like this as guilty pleasures, and when they deliver, we go home happy. I recommend this one to anyone who loves action, or Tarantino's Pulp Fiction type movies...an excellent, stylish movie, overall, but just make sure you check your brain at the door. 8/10 stars.
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