How to Make a Monster (2001 TV Movie)
17 May 2002
I hate to sound critical or anything. BUT! There are way too many glowing reviews for this film. People acually seem to think this is as scary as Suspiria. Anyone who actually seeks enjoyment from this film outside of a so-bad-its-good-attitude is a cinematic masochist. Anyone who finds this movie scary has emotional problems.

Are we so deprived of good horror movies (or bad ones for that matter) that we have to accept this as scary? SCARY? The acting was scary and that's about it.

I think we should crucify Tyler Mane. Hardcore? A computer geek named hardcore? Something wrong here? I mean we all the other stereo-types to make a good crappy horror movie, why did they put him in there? Did anyone try to act in this film? Even Clea DuVall (whom I enjoy very much) seemed to meander through the scenes reading her lines with all the zeil and emotion of a UPS truck.

Another problem I have with the reviews of this movie is everybody seems to think it's so original. ORIGINAL? I'm sorry to insult your IQ (actually I'm not) but exactly how many machine-built-for-good-turns-evil-kills-everything-computer-withamindofitsow n movies have there been?

The real flaw in this movie is that it takes itself too seriously. The director really thought he was making another Alien. Hence the "claustrophobic" environment. Monster creature running around a small area hiding and killing obnoxious crew members one-by-one seems to be the real theme. Problem, Alien was original in its time. Also, it had good writing, good acting, and characters to care about.

But back to the taking itself too seriously part. Besides a few pre-monster shenadigans by the nerds, the film plays it straight. Bad move. Really there is nothing to take seriously about this movie.

What's scary about bad writing, sloppy direction, wooden acting, and a plot that's been worn out since the 80's? Absolutely nothing. Unless you have a need to watch a movie you need to make fun of all the through.
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