Enter the Matrix (2003 Video Game)
Game? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha Ha Ha Ha! HA HA HA! But...
10 June 2003
Oh dear. Lets get one thing straight, this is by far the worst excuse for a game I have played for a long time. Obviously a lot of thought has gone into the story, and the cut scenes are fantastic, but actually playing through the game is painful. Maybe if it had had another few months in development it would have been better, but as it is it's full of glitches, 5 second long sections, dodgy collision detection, bad signposting, repetitive gameplay, incredibly poor driving sections, and a final hovercraft level that involves holding down a button until it finally ends. Very obviously rushed to get it out in time for the film.

But whilst the game itself is as poor as newborn tramp, the package itself is actually rather good. The hacking section is imaginative and well executed, all the exclusive video stock is excellent, and the two characters are different enough to warrant playing through as both of them. That said, the only reason anyone should ever play this game is to obtain a clearer understanding of what is going on in the film, and for that alone. There is enough story in the game to make a whole other film or even TV series (which they should have done).

Is it worth playing through a p***-poor game to get some quality story about a quality film? Hell yes! Better still, watch someone else...
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