Bad Education (2004)
Hard to review (spoilers)
3 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
After watching Almodovars previous much talked about movies Hable con Ella (Talk to her) and Todo sobre mi Madre (All about my mother), I was really anxious to see what he had done this time. If Todo sobre mi Madre in my opinion was a over-hyped, silly movie I was deeply touched by Hable con Ella. La Mala Educacion (Bad Education) left me somewhere in the middle: I admire the style, the story, the acting, the directing. But something is missing...

A director is being looked up by an old schoolfriend, a starting actor who also wrote a novel about their early years as choirboys, and the abrupt ending to their friendship in those times. But something more is going on, there's a lot more than meets the eye.

In short, the movie is about 4 things: the abuse of a young boy by a priest, the blossoming love between 2 young boys, the relationship between 2 brothers, and a sexually charged love triangle. All these issues are woven into each other, and for us, the public that is sometimes hard to follow (also given the language, which I don't speak).

If you haven't noticed yet, all the relationships are of a gay kind. And although the director doesn't show us any graphic details, a friend with whom I went was all like 'I don't wanna see it!'. And he didn't, just thought I should mention it.

When in the end all the pieces of the puzzle fall where they should, there was a strange feeling left inside me. As I said, the story sucks you in completely, but in the end I just felt there was something missing... please watch the movie and tell me here what it is...

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