The only thing these Vampires will drain is your time and $!
4 April 2001
This movie was horrible, a definite 2. The movie had almost no redeeming value whatsoever, and I mean none. Obviously I did not rent this thing expecting to see academy award winning performances so that's one. I am also a fan of occult type movies as well as many others, and in particular vampires, that's two. And three it was no coincidence that Carmen Electra was on the cover and I rented it, that's three. I say these to let you know that I have good taste but I rented the movie for some campy fun, I was slumming as far as movie rentals go. This is important to know because when I say this movie was bad I am considering it from all angles. It was worthless in any respect; it was just cheap and ridiculous. It failed to be comedic, dramatic, scary, or even fun in that B movie sense. And let me add this for the fellas, NO NUDITY! Believe me Carmen Electra on the cover is a clever marketing ploy, she's barely in it, and I don't mean barely as in naked, let me assure you. The movie is a constant let down with terrible characters, no plot development, and horrible punch lines. The plot suddenly by about half way through became a comedy and this didn't work either. This movie was the worst I've seen in a long time and believe me that's bad. The only thing that saved this movie from a 1 was the fact that by switching suddenly to an attempt at comedy, the director at least showed that, while his attempt was sad, he had a conscious. He realized he was making something so horrible that the least he could do for the viewer was to try and make it laughable (though he failed).
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