Review of Ararat

Ararat (2002)
An okay movie, but nowhere near as good as I had expected
14 April 2003
Although this movie "only" has an average of 7.4 I think it has the largest percentage of votes giving the vote of 10 here at Imdb (80% gave it 10). I believe that you can't really use other peoples opinion on a movie (or music, food, ect.), as it's just a matter of taste, but seeing so many people give this movie 10 out of 10 made me wanna go see it and although I didn't really crave this to be a superb movie I at least had expected it to be watchable. As I said in my headline, it was an okay movie (which is 6 out of 10 for me), which is still a mediocre grade and when a movie doesn't come out of the mediocre grades (4-6) I don't really think it's worth watching. Most movies go up and down - At one point you think the movie will be great and at another point you think it really isn't anything special. There were points in this movie where I thought it would be good, but not any points where I thought it would be great or superb or anything. Now, what I think might have been wrong with this movie is that it was too messy - too many stories at once and too much jumping around between different settings, times & people and this made it hard to follow. Another thing is that most movies follow a curve, where it starts out and build up to a climax in the end. I didn't really see this in this movie. Such a curve isn't a necessity, "Casino" for instance doesn't really follow such a curve in my opinion, but is superb all the way through, but I just think this movie didn't really go anywhere, didn't have a plot and just ended to suddenly. So all in all, this wasn't the worst waste of time I've ever encountered, but a movie that isn't better than okay isn't really worth watching (or paying money for) in my opinion.
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