Review of Contagion

Contagion (2002)
It stank Spoiler**
30 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler****Holy cow that movie was so sad. The acting was horrible, the editing was sloppy, the story did not flow, and well no one would really believe that could happen. The only good acting that happened was when Nurse Washington knew she was going to die and just had to make her loss felt. The editing in this movie was horrid. In the very beginning we see the president being shot with a dart then the next we see a woman talking on her cell phone. I thought someone had taped another movie over the movie I had started to watch. The movie was a mess mostly because of the subplot they tried to have going on, which involved a romantic interest between the virologist and the president. The virologist gets infected with the virus and does not have to wear the containment suit, and to that she says 'Well now I can do this' to the president. Not that, that was bad enough the story line was not even believable. The whole thing with the virus being airborne and then the general cutting a hole in the containment shield which contaminates the whole area outside of the hospital. Then the brilliant general decides to blow up the hospital because then the virus would be gone. But what really would happen is the airborne virus would then be able to travel farther because the bomb disperses particles over the area. Also the ending was abominable with only two minutes before the bomb goes the doctor has to find the little boy with the cure, kill the villain, and inform the general that she has the cure. With only two seconds to spare she tells the general that she has the boy and all he has to do to turn off the bomb is push one button while it took at least three to set the bomb.
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