Review of Dark Sunday

Dark Sunday (1976)
A gritty vigilante film
16 March 2003
Delightfully gritty revenge- drama from director/editor Jimmy Huston and star/ producer Earl Owensby.

Owensby plays a skid row reverend who helps young junkies to a better life. This is not to the liking of the local drug dealer (who looks like Buffalo Bill in old photos)who sends his goons after the good minister.

What's good in this one is the general atmosphere, which is close to the European (Italian) crime films of the mid seventies; everyone's corrupt or at least corruptible, the police probably more than anyone else. Nice street scenes, decent acting and lots of bloody shootings earn this one a recommendation.

In addition, the scene in which the mute Owensby meets with the blind preacher must be a tribute to the scene in James Whale's The Bride of Frankenstein where the monster meets the blind hermit.

Released on video in Finland in the early eighties.
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