Wild Zero (1999)
A sorry excuse for a cult film
18 April 2003
In the tradition of 'Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park' and other lousy band films, we have 'Wild Zero' - a self-proclaimed hyper-active rock n' roll zombie adventure from Japanese punk band, Guitar Wolf. If I were to describe to you the things that unfold in the film (naked women, zombies, UFOs, ect) you would be jazzed as hell to see this film. I was.

But, man... it looks like people are just too easy to please, because aside from a few inspired moments, this film is EMPTY!

'Wild Zero' was made by a music video director who publicly claimed that movies don't interest him in the slightest. Believe me...IT SHOWS! I'm not a snob who over-analyzes film structure, but I do know that a fun cult movie needs to do more than randomly strung together wacky and hyperactive scenes. There may be a lot going on here, but as a whole, this movie is a whole lotta nothing!

Skip this overrated hack-job and go watch 'Versus' again.
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