The Painting (2001)
The WORST movie I have seen!
14 July 2002
Like another reviewer on the website, I too was present at this movies "Premiere." Mine was in Indianapolis at the Heartland Film Festival which I was covering for my school news paper, "The Indiana Daily Student." This took place in October 2001, so it was the official Premiere, so poo on the other person who said theirs was.

I was supposed to review this new feature, but sadly I could not. The gracious hosts of the Festival gave me free passes to the Showing and the afterparty. So when I discovered that the film was insultingly manipulative I decided I should keep my opinions to myself.

The poor quality of this picture is astonishing. The story is cliched, the black protagonists of course have to be saved by the white protagonists. The dialogue is laughable and I've seen more emotional performances by the Muppets (Seriously, go check out Tiny Tim's death in the Muppet Christmas Carol... its a tear-jerker).

Anyways, a good love story, this is not... a good coming of age story, this is not... a good film about race, this is not. A good film? This is NOT! But then again what would you expect from a director who's most distinguished previous credit was being Associate Special Effects producer on Star Trek First Contact!
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