Review of Girl Fever

Girl Fever (2002)
It works sometimes
7 June 2004
Michael Davis' third straight film with the same basic premise, is the worst of the three. The reason it just doesn't work is because 8 Days and 100 Girls did this earlier, better and more believably. It has it's moments (most involving the attractive Erinn Bartlett), but the problem is that it shifts from dramedy to just stupidity with Clint Howard. Also, most of the dialogue is lifted from the other two films, in some form or other.

Ignoring the existence of the first two films, Girl Fever (100 Women), trucks along in a weird state of being. The first half is not really funny and by the time you get to the heart of the story, it feels like you have wasted time getting there, BUT at the same time, the film is amazingly watchable in it's own "cuteness." This is a hard film to judge on it's own merit, which is not shocking to anyone who has seen it. I mean any film that goes from explaining how someone feels, to a nose-dual (don't ask), to a guy that gets screwed over and then forgets about it, all within such a short time-frame, is hard to really look at objectively. The entire plot is so hard to swallow and the lead's reaction to the plot-twist is so unreal, but at the same time it still is entertaining.

There are only two things that are clear: first, Eight Days a Week deserves a DVD release in the states, so I can purchase the BEST Davis movie AND more importantly, Erinn Bartlett is smoking hot and at some point will break-out in Hollywood. Her performance in this film makes you almost forget the bad parts of the movie... I said almost.
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