Review of Jackpot

Jackpot (2001)
Sensitive and realistic portrait of 'small time' artists
6 August 2001
Even more than the previous, awesome movie by the Polish brothers, "Jackpot" presents a quiet, even-keeled portrait of what at first seem like a ridiculous pair, but who's sincerity and refusal to give up makes you admire them. There's a kindness to the ironic view that is a relief; the characters are not exaggerated or spoofed into cartoon-condition, their audiences aren't either. The tone of the film is respectful yet ironic - a healthy mix. The cinematography is nothing less than beautiful, again as was the previous film from M & Polish, "Twin Falls Idaho". Same cinematographer, David Mullen, but this time the movie originated on 24P, high-definition video, and was converted to film. It's really very beautiful, the tones are just right, the look doesn't distract from the story at any time, but if you care for such things, it is really a visual treat. I think the movie might have gained from a little 'scissors action' towards the end it started to drag a bit, but not enough to change the fact that this is a wonderful and completely enjoyable movie in many ways.
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