interesting film that lacks authenticity
8 April 2002
I saw this film on DVD, and for the most part, I enjoyed it. However, I did not always feel that the characters or the set accurately evoked the era it was set in. Also, the sexual experiences of the main character are left to guesswork. Did she have an affair with the young artist who goes off to France, or was she only involved with the Dixie-land musician? Does she die of a broken heart or was she dying all along? Some of the dialogue was a bit too corny. Realism can be taken a bit too far in the movies. A movie often appears corny and unpolished if there is too much realism in dialogue. In comparison to Mariages, which I saw earlier this year, and which did, quite powerfully, evoke a sense of time and setting, I liked the former better, although that movie was often bleak and slow-paced. I would give mariages a 7 out of 10 and A Girl at the Window a 6.5 out of 10. I am encouraged that more Canadian films are becoming more accessible and better in quality.
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