The best one man comedy show ever.
30 January 2002
Rick Reynolds tells you the story of his life. How he grew up in a dysfunctional family. The death of his father in a drowning accident when Rick was only a small child. How his mother became depressed and later her marriage to an abusive alcoholic. After years of suffering. The marriage finally ended and his mother married another man. Rick's new stepfather seemed perfect until it was discovered Rick's stepfather was a bank robber. He became morose and suicidal during his college years, then he become a stand-up comic. Still fighting depression and numerous problems, Rick married a woman named Lisa and decided to leave L.A. He move to Petaluma, California. After a thorough review of his life and he found that he had assemble a sad but very funny story. So he created this one man show originally aired on showtime.

This show is very funny, it had lots of heart, here was a human being who has suffered greatly but he manages to get through life as best as he can. With his humor intact. I've had all the cable channels for the last 19 years. I have seen all the comedians and their shows. This is the only show I would really like to get on DVD and put in my collection. You can not get this show anywhere, in any format. I can only hope that someday they will put it out there for us to buy.

My rating 9 1/2 out of 10 stars.
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