Forget the negative comments! Go see this film!
12 February 2003
This movie is very very funny. Period. I think that when you walk into a movie you have to walk-in with the correct expectations. If you want a scary movie, you should expect to be scared. If you want a drama, you should expect to be touched. If you want a comedy, you should expect to laugh. Whenever you read a comment on the movie from a critic that is negative, the reason is they are crtiqueing it for something it is not. Just go to this movie and you will laugh, I did for almost an hour straight. It is a good time, relax. If you are a guy, even though it is a chick flick, you will enjoy this. The movie is a parody of sorts because it portrays the way that girls treat guys sometimes. If you are a girl, well, you will like it too, because it is a chick flick. I saw Kate Hudson in Four Feathers and was not at all impressed with her, or the movie, so when I came to see this my expectations were not that high. Folks, both she and Mathew McConaghey were great. M. McConaghey has really mastered that masculine and funny dialogue much like Luke Wilson or Ben Stiller. Sure the movie is predictable in parts, and it does follow the typical romantic film recipe towards the end, but who cares. We don't go to movies to pick them apart. A movie theatre is not a classroom. Go. Relax. Enjoy. You will enjoy yourself.
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