Road Rage (2000 TV Movie)
1/10 Seriously.
7 January 2004
Bottom line, don't waste your time.

If you must watch it for the car chases as has been suggested, make sure you mute the sound - the inane dialog would make any 6-year-old that has ever owned a Matchbox car cringe, much less anyone that's actually driven a car. In one 10-minute stretch of film, I learned (much to my surprise) that driving a truck on a dirt road will tear up the transmission (aka undercarriage?), that driving it on a paved road will tear up the engine, and that you can tell if a truck chasing you has 4-wheel-drive or not just by looking at the front wheels (odd, my mechanic can't do that). *Note to the writers (ha) & director: next time, ask your stunt drivers to explain a few things to you - you're paying them anyway. In this case, you should have had them do the acting, too - might have been cheaper and couldn't possibly have been any worse.

Anybody, of any age, with any interest in watching this film could write a better one themselves in 1/2 hour or so. If you want to watch a car-chase film, pick another one (any other one). If you like the actors and want to watch them, you won't after this one. If you want to watch a bad movie, there are plenty of them out there, most with at least some 'camp' value - this one has none. However, if you want to be insulted, annoyed, and ripped-off, well, this is is the film for you.
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