Moments of brilliance interspersed with some cliche and propaganda
15 November 2000
Overall I really enjoyed the nearly 3 hour epic ride of "Mission Kashmir". But I couldn't help but cringe at times when it took on a bit of a political bent that clearly favored one side over the other in the India-Pakistan battle over Kashmir. It's not that I disagree or agree with the stance, but just that it was a bit heavy-handed at times. The way the heroes and villains were portrayed stylistically gave away the ending. The bad guys looked and acted like monsters, the good guys were smiling family men. And of the bad guys who looked good? Well you just knew it was a matter of time that they would change their ways. The action kept the movie going at a brisk pace, though I found these scenes to be the least exciting. I was more moved by the human interplay between the characters. But the highlight for me were the musical scenes; in particular, I loved one scene where the misguided hero finds his long lost childhood girlfriend on the set of a song and dance performance. It was so electrifying I had a hard time staying in my seat.

Overall, I liked this movie, and as a newcomer to Indian cinema, I look forward to seeing many more. (7 out of 10)
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