The Best Ever. Carlin Is Better With Old Age. A Must See! If Your Fed Up With The American Establishment And Status Quota!
29 June 2000
This is by far the best comedy show I haver ever watched. Thanks to HBO and most of all George Carlin! When I first saw this I said this was a classic right away! I finally recorded this comedy special and I happily continue to view it frequently. I must say that before I go into detail, that George Carlin is by far the best comedian of all time, simply because of his caustic style he goes for the jugular. Carlin is not mellowing with age. In this 60-minute rant, the 61-year-old comic brimming with vim and vinegar, Carlin sniped at everything you can name airport security, germs, cigars, angels, Harley Davidson, House of Blues, Language, Guy Stuff, Parents, TV., Names, and of course God and Religion and even children. Carlin says it best when America's leading industry is the quality and manufacture of bullshit USDA Prime Cut! I think Carlin can best be described as a risk taker who tells the truth, but keeps the cynical people such as myself happy. I also suggest you purchase the cassette tape of this comedy special to listen to as you drive your car! Finally all I can say is that I'm glad Carlin is holding on to his night job. He's a real stand-up guy. Please write or phone HBO as I did and request Carlin do another comedy special you will be sorry if you don't. We hope to see George again real soon.
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